Playspace: open for Drop-In

We are now offering 3 different levels of Playspace membership, depending on how often you would like to play.

Tier 1:
 Unlimited memberships allows members to come every day we are open, which is five days a week. Additionally, drop ins are $30 when we are able to stay open late on Wednesdays.

Fee: $100 To register for a Tier 1 monthly Playspace Membership, click here.

Tier 2: Up to three days a week at the center. Drop ins are $30 if you would like to visit more than 3 days in any given week. Drop-ins are also $30 when we are able to stay open late on Wednesdays.

Fee: $75 To register for a Tier 2 monthly Playspace Membership, click here.

Tier 3: One day a week at the center. Drop ins are $30 if you would like to visit more than 1 day in any given week. Drop ins are also $30 when we are able to stay open late on Wednesdays.

Fee: $55 To register for a Tier 3 monthly Playspace Membership, click here.

Our Playspace is a carpeted, 30ft by 20ft room just for the little ones – an open space, for open play. The room is filled with age-appropriate, developmentally stimulating toys, a train table, small ride-on toys, a soft-play area, a play kitchen and books. Our Playspace is meant to be a space where the children lead the way, while still under the watchful eye of their caregivers. It is a place to forge new friendships – for children and adults – a place to learn to crawl and walk, a place to practice fine and gross motor skills and a place to feel loved and supported. Our Playspace is open whenever Families First is open: 9:00AM-2:00PM.

  • Families First’s facility has 3 Austin air filters.

  • The building is locked to outside traffic, so staff needs to let children, caregivers and parents in. Please ring the bell outside the inner door downstairs for assistance with a stroller.